Pastor Marcus Lohrmann was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at Christ Lutheran Church in Walla Walla, WA on October 14, 2017, where he was born. He received his Master's in Divinity from the University of Chicago Divinity School and completed coursework for his Lutheran Year studies at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. A theologian of the cross, Pastor Marcus loves digging deeply into difficult questions, wrestling with texts, and empowering communities of faith to do the same. His passions in ministry include preaching, pastoral care, teaching envisioning and leading faith formation groups, community engagement, and administrative work.
Before studying to become a pastor, Marcus worked both as musician and wine expert in Chicago. A songwriter, singer, guitarist, and percussionist, some of his favorite memories in Chicago involved playing music in night clubs, bars, and venues across the city with his band. As an undergraduate he attended Valparaiso University where he studied philosophy. While there, he met Rebekkah (Bekki), and the two were married in June of 2010. That same year Bekki began her own seminary work at LSTC.
In 2014 Bekki was called to serve Faith Lutheran Church in Joliet, IL. It wasn't long before Marcus also felt a call and was drawn into pastoral ministry. During his time at seminary he received an international ministry grant through the Divinity School, under which he traveled to Cuba for research for the summer. Upon graduation in 2016 he was awarded the school's John Grey Rhind Award, "presented annually to an advanced student in the ministry program who excellence in
academic and professional training gives notable promise of a significant contribution to pluralistic religious leadership."
In 2017 Bekki and Marcus left Joliet when they were called as term Co-Pastors to Fullness of God Lutheran Church at Holden Village. They transitioned out of that position after a year and moved to Manson, WA, where their first child, Elijah, was born. The family relocated to San Diego county in 2019. Marcus serves Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in La Mesa/Spring Valley (East County San Diego), and Bekki serves as pastor to St. Peter's by the Sea Lutheran in San Diego's Point Loma and Ocean Beach neighborhoods. They welcomed their second child, Isaak, in February of 2023.
Pastor Marcus is active in San Diego and East County as a public theologian and witness for peace. He has worked alongside or in partnership with community groups like Friends of Friendship Park, San Diego Pride, Dialogues on Race, ELCA World Hunger, SAILS San Diego, and is a founding member of the Faith Coalition of La Mesa. He serves as Co-Chair of the Lutheran Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue Committee of San Diego and sits on the Pacifica Synod Council. He has presented workshops at conferences on topics ranging from the Adult Catechumenate, a Liturgy for the Dying, and Digital Administrative Tools for Parish Ministry. He recently completed Harvard Divinity School's Making Change program.
Pastor Marcus enjoys recreational co-ed softball, fly-fishing, walking, spending time with his sons, and playing guitar. He continues to write and record songs when possible. These days Marcus and Bekki spend considerable time in their garden, where they have worked to revitalize the soil through native and drought-resistant plantings, in addition to raising a fun vegetable garden with the kids.
Pr. Marcus' Public Theology and Ministry:
The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 19, 2023
Opinion: "I’m a Christian leader who supports the transgender community, and I’m not alone. "
The San Diego Union-Tribune, November 11, 2020
Commentary: "We need unity after a divisive presidential election. The power of prayer can help."
Let's Talk: A Publication of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA
Issue 22:1 Death and Dying (co-editor)
Let's Talk: A Publication of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA
Article: "Preaching the Gospel to a Haunted World," (July 3, 2016).
Let's Talk: A Publication of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA
Article: "Feed My Sheep: A Journey toward Life Together," (March 13, 2015).
Mon to Fri 9 a.m.–5 p.m.